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Telekinesis Mind Power

Step 1
Set aside a special time every day and take up meditating. Telekinesis is not a superpower bestowed on a lucky few by a higher power, but an ability that virtually every mind possesses. Meditating is a crucial step in learning to discipline and control your mind. If you can’t meditate every day, at least get on a regular schedule. The more often you make the time to do it, the quicker you will see results. To begin meditating, go somewhere where you can be undisturbed. Relax your body, focus on your breathing and clear your mind. If you have trouble clearing your mind entirely, you can focus on a mantra–-a single word or phrase repeated over and over again. Start with 3- to 5-minute sessions and gradually extend your ability to concentrate. You may find it difficult at first, but with consistent practice, you will improve. To assist you, read some books on meditation, find a meditation group in your area to practice with, or purchase guided meditations on CD.

Step 2
Once you have become proficient enough at meditation to hold your concentration for at least 15 minutes--which may take a few weeks to several months--proceed to raising energy. You are raising energy when you are able to focus on a powerful emotion until you feel as if you are about to burst from it. The emotion can be a negative one, such as anger or despair; however, sheer happiness is just as effective, and much more enjoyable. For reasons yet unknown to parapsychologists, emotional outbursts are connected to telekinesis. In fact, parapsychologists believe that activity attributed to poltergeists frequently occurs in households where teens reside, and that a more likely explanation is that one of those teens is unknowingly causing objects to move as he experiences hormonal surges and tumultuous adolescent emotions. While continuing to practice your meditation regularly, add a couple of practice sessions each week of raising emotional energy. Use aids like listening to music, watching films or reading things that will help provoke the emotion you are trying to experience. If you use happiness as your emotion, try reading a joke book or watching a funny film until you are filled with gut-busting laughter.

Step 3
Understand that being able to meditate well enough to block unwanted emotions--and focus on the emotions you do want to experience--makes you ready to begin attempting to move things with your mind. Begin with objects that are already in motion. The reason for this is rooted firmly in the laws of physics--specifically, the law of inertia, which tells us that an object in motion wants to stay in motion, and an object at rest wants to stay at rest. Setting into motion an object that is at rest requires a far higher amount of kinetic energy than manipulating the course of an object that is already in motion. Few people are ever able to become such masters at telekinesis that they can call up at will enough kinetic energy to move something stationary. Trying to begin your practice with moving stationary objects is equivalent to attempting to run before you can crawl. Begin by moving objects that can be set in motion and try to alter their course: floating clouds or bubbles, something swinging that is suspended from a string, or an object floating in a calm pool or tub of water. Clear your mind and begin to build up your emotion, focusing only on it. When you feel yourself tingling and bursting with emotion, focus on the object and try to redirect its course. Mentally push out a burst of energy, or envision it going the way you want it to go. Nothing may happen the first few times, but keep practicing regularly. Eventually you should see some results.

Step 4
After you have been successful in moving things in motion slightly, keep practicing with bigger movements and more sudden changes of course. Move on to bigger, heavier objects. If you really grow proficient, you may want to start attempting to move stationary objects, such as rolling a ball around on a flat surface or rocking a branch on a tree. Most people will require frequent, consistent practice to become even remotely proficient at telekinesis. However, the ability is well worth the trouble, time and effort.

Step 1
Practice meditation. Focus your gaze on a fixed point and keep it there for as long as you can. Every time it wavers, gently bring it back. This will help you develop the superhuman powers of concentration your task demands.

Step 2
Practice visualization. Look at a simple object, then close your eyes and visualize it. Try to "see" every detail of it.

Step 3
Start off small. Take a feather or something else light and insubstantial, hold it in your hand and memorize every detail of it.

Step 4
Place your object on the table. Mentally try to push it. Imagine a pulse of energy coming from your chest, head, or hand and shoving the object.

Step 5
Try it with your eyes closed. Imagine reaching out your finger and pushing it.

Step 6
Open your eyes and see if it worked. If it didn't, close them again and try a different image. You can, for example, picture the feather moving by itself instead of imagining your finger pushing it.

Step 7
Keep your mind calm and serene. Getting frustrated will break you out of the state of intense focus needed for your task.

Step 8
Keep at it. Superpowers aren't earned in a day, unless you are lucky enough to be bitten by a radioactive insect.


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